Spooktacular news for Halloween - Okemo is going to start making snow this weekend! Opening day is a mere 15 days away. How's that for a treat!?
Stay tuned to our snow report for all the latest.
If faced with the ultimatum of choosing either oxygen or snowboarding, I think our events guys, Jeff, would choose snowboarding. And if faced with the choice of not snowboarding another day or snowboarding on a few inches of snow with mud and rocks in the mix, he’d strap in and throw a rocky, muddy blast of snow in your general direction. This guy is so amped up for the season to start it’s contagious, and I really wish I had taken his word for it when he told me yesterday that he was riding this morning.
We loaded into the Okemobile and gunned it for the summit this morning. At the top, I stood and watched in a frozen stupor as Jeff laced up, strapped in, and rode down the mountain until he disappeared from sight. Then I turned to my snow reporting colleague, Sara, and asked, “Did Jeff give you the car keys?” Only one person can claim first tracks each year on the mountain, and only a few can say they’ve ridden in October. Jeff added both notches to his snowboarding belt this morning, and officially rang in the start to another great winter of skiing and riding at Okemo.
The skies look angry this afternoon, and it makes me happy to see them that way. Thanks to breakthroughs in weather forecasting technology, I know it’s not the apocalypse approaching but in fact something much more alarming—a snowstorm. Sorry, I try not to throw that word around lightly because I know it can cause the kind of involuntary, jubilation-induced spasms that will have your coworkers suspiciously rescheduling their plans to go out to lunch with you. But yes, there’s a snowstorm approaching us that could bring up to half a foot of snow!
There’s no doubt something is brewing out there, but with temperatures still in the 40s at the moment, we’re pulling out all of our good-luck charms for this one to come together. Some are saying it's too early for such a big snowfall. Our snowmaking crew pleaded with the storm, trying to get it to save the snow for November, but not I. Sure we may not be able to ski and ride just yet, even if we do get the forecasted amounts, but at least it’ll be a nice backdrop for when I go trick-or-treating in my abominable snowman costume on Friday.