Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Base Lodge Retro Redo

Did you know the Okemo clocktower Base Lodge was originally built forty years ago? Okay, maybe you did. :} Well, it got a facelift.

The redo became the summer project of Okemo owner Diane Mueller. And, if you know Diane, you should know that when she sets her mind to something you better watch out. No cheating, no cutting corners. The inside of the base lodge is now vintage 1968, and the cafeteria is now known as "Base68".

So, what’s old is new again with some crazy avocado green paint, funky carpeting, all new chairs, and ORANGE Formica countertops! Skeptical myself, I took a walk up yesterday to view the "work of art". I left pleasantly surprised... it really does look good!

Now I could post a picture so you could get a little preview....but that would take away all the fun. I might just make you wait and come see it up close and personal. What do you think?


Unknown said...

please post a picture.

Okemo Mountain Resort said...

I will...went to take a shot today and found lots more construction going on in the learning center area. Is looking nice, but not ready for a photo. When things are cleaned up, I'll take a few snapshots.