Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OK....fine, summer has some good points too...

Alright, I admit it. Summer does have some great bennies. I spent last weekend on the lake enjoying swimming and sitting on the porch sipping Sangria watching the sunset. Those are things I can't do in the winter. Plus, theOkemo Valley region seems to come alive with culture in the summer. I'm headed off to the Weston Playhouse tonight to see The King and I. Then later this week Hello Dolly is being performed at the Paramount Theatre in Rutland. I once thought that the only culture to be found in Vermont was in the yogurt section of the grocery store, or in the nearby cow pastures, but as I live here longer I find more neat stuff todo.

And I had some fresh corn on the cob, that a friend brought up from NJ last week. And it looks like we'll see our own native corn in the very near future. As for the eloquent waxings of Silver Linings....all I smell and see in the summer is road construction and dusty, cranky directional crews on the highways. Those people should be required to take guest service classes or something. It always looks like they just finished sucking on a lemon.

Did anyone catch the Solarfest over in Tinmouth, VT last weekend? I learned about it this year, the whole weekend is powered by solar energy....that's pretty cool. I went to learn more about photovoltaic and solar thermal heating systems. I'm hoping to reduce my carbon footprint, and I thought that solar energy might be a great way to make that happen. Come to find out VT is an OK place for solar power....of course summer time is better than winter for the amount of solar energy that we can create, but hey, it will help reduce our impact on the planet.


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