Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

Hi, I'm the resident chicken dance coordinator here at Okemo. Not the wedding coordinator mind you, that job entails far to much. I only make sure that people know the moves when the dance comes around (and it always does).

Now that I've got your attention let me give you a brief rundown of the week so far.

Monday - you would have though we lived in the rainforest
Tuesday - Hail and thunderstorms in Vermont - just crazy
Wednesday - it's chilly - it might snow - I'm waxing the skis tonight!
Forecast - Everything looks great so far for a perfect Friday Night Concert with Spiritual Rez!

Ludlow is a great place to spend your summer though - this crazy weather is sure to move out soon, and the Okemo Valley is just beautiful! So even if you don't have a wedding here, make the short drive to Ludlow for a summer vacation. Hey, I only work on Saturday nights, so look me up when you arrive! We'll go play some tennis, shoot some hoops, or take a divot tour around the golf course (they hate that, but I can't play well at all). There is lots to do, and the best way to hear about activities is to call 228-1313 - that's the lucky events hotline!

One final note - from someone who knows - I think it's a soft 'b'. In Vermont you're a bLOGGER, as in - not the best Logger in the state. The best people are posting on other sites. I think they are called Alog's. Either way, I've only cut a few trees in my short life, so I'm happy to make the 'b' grade.

For my first ever bLOG - over and out. Time to go do the chicken dance!